Monday, December 17, 2007


My sister is back from the USA. Well, one out of three of them who were in the USA. My other two sisters return on Friday and Sunday, respectively. :D I'm so happy.

And I did something Friday night that I've been wanting to do for a while--I stayed up with a couple of friends and we watched all three LotR EEs back-to-back. 12 hours of watching. Counting the bathroom breaks and food raids and stuff, we were watching from around 6:30 at night to somewhere between 7:45 and 8:00 in the morning. It rocked. And we did it all with just six liters of soda to go around four people. And I drank around three of them (I'm not that great at refraining from drinking stuff when I'm thirsty. :P). Plus two liters of milk. w00t.

And we had pizza, which is always something to enjoy, no matter how common it is. :D

Unfortunately, I can't really sleep during the day without messing up my sleep that night, so I had to stick it out for the rest of the day on Saturday. My friends all fell asleep at various parts during the day before they went home (we watched Ocean's Eleven around noon), but I managed to make it to 8:37 before I went to bed--a long 38.5 hours of staying awake without even dozing off. It was really hard, and I can't say that I'm all that interested in staying awake that long again. It doesn't sound very endearing right now.

But. I still watched all three back-to-back. :D

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