Monday, March 31, 2008

Randomnation AND SPOILERS!!!

Meríndë, don't read this--it's got spoilers!!!!!

Well, I'm all the way back to Knife of Dreams again. And I think that it's passed A Crown of Swords as my favourite WoT book, just because of the Mat/Tuon plotline, along with the culmination of a bunch of other interesting ones--aCoS was merely another stepping stone on the path of books, so it left as many unanswered questions as answered ones. And it didn't have Tuon in it.

Regardless, not counting the whole Tarmon Gai'don storyline, Mat and Tuon's is the most interesting one in the books, I think. Poor Mat. :P


Also, most unfortunately, I have a 12-page thesis paper due on Friday, and thanks to my procrastinating ways (which I probably won't change anytime soon), I've yet to even pick a topic to write about. o_O

Our Physics teacher is planning on giving us an insane amount of homework, hoping to finish a chapter in a week (that's some 25 pages, including questions), and our last Geometry homework assignment was four lessons and the end-of-chapter review. And this was over the weekend, when we're supposed to have less homework. Life is really strange at times.

So mostly my life revolves around reading KoD and putting off my thesis paper right now. It's pretty sweet. :D
Here are some things that I've found online in the last few weeks and thought were really funny, or just worthy of being posted. :D

That's someone's take on BMW's new marketing slogan. :D

And here's someone's amazing artwork of Egwene:


Stargazer said...

lol, procatrination = fun :P Good luck with all the homework though.. :P

And ROFL! I loved the BMW one esp. ahhaha. :P

Stargazer said...


*hunts typos with machine gun* *ahem.. yeah :P